Meet Maybelline! Very sweet bully who loves people! She’s up for adoption through the Humane Society of Delaware County.

Meet Maybelline! Very sweet bully who loves people! She’s up for adoption through the Humane Society of Delaware County.
I’d like to thank everyone who visited and sent their love this last weekend. Fish passed peacefully, surrounded by family.
Rest easy, buddy. You will be sorely missed.
*Credit goes to Ashley Davison for the lovely photos of my dear sweet boy.
My mom always manages to take the most interesting photos of me. Anyways, new haircut, color, and style.
It’s been an interesting weekend, to say the least. After having not seen her in over 20 years, I got to see my older sister. There were a lot of emotions I had to work through to get to this point, since the two of us have never been what you’d call close. However, it went well, and I can tell her life abroad has changed her just as my experiences have changed me. I feel as though we can actually have a relationship now, which is something I thought I’d never have with her despite how much I wanted it.
After a bit of tinkering, I finally got around to fleshing out the F.A.Q. section. Many of those pages I haven’t had since 2012, so they needed some updating. However, there’s at least something up. As for content updates, I finally got around to posting the first chapter of Space Marine to AO3! I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time, but I was always hesitant since I wanted to do edits. However, I told myself its better to put something out there and get opinions on it, then edit it, than keep telling myself I’m going to edit it and never putting it out there. My hope is to slowly build a readership for my original work, so that if it ever goes to print, I’ll at least have something! So if you’re interested in reading a romantic-comedy featuring aliens and a post-apocalypse Earth, please give it a look!
My next step is to start updating the art section, since it’s been stagnating lately. Look forward to it!
Thank you so much for sticking with me through the long silence. I lost my password for WordPress, and apparently it was sending the recovery email into the abyss, because none of the e-mails that I have been using for almost 20+ years received anything. I believe it’s all been fixed, and I once again have access (hint: if this ever happens to you, go through your C-Panel and find the WordPress Toolkit).
Now that I have control again, expect more updates. Due to the collapse of Twitter and me deciding to finally leave Deviant Art, I’m going to focus on posting all of my old artwork here, along with my now defunct comic. I’ve also updated many of my writing projects with new content, so if you’re not following me on Ao3, you’ll find links to my work here.
There’s not much new right now, but keep checking back! I’ll be updating more frequently now!
Apparently I started a new trend by taking my mother with me on adventures, because now she wants to do this every year. This year, she chose for the family to go to Cox Arboretum in Dayton, Ohio. It was somewhat cloudy and chilly, but we had fun looking at all the fall flowers and foliage. I definitely noticed the difference all my working out has done; I was able to run around and climb stairs without even getting winded. All in all, a good way to spend some time with the family.
Also, we saw Alice Cooper’s memorial bench. Okay, it was for a librarian, not a rock star.
Excuse me, my son wants attention…
Little brother / Big brother energy.
Cats are enjoying the new couch covers.