March 2, 2024

Having a good day today. Managed to get the day off from work in order to celebrate my grandfather Bob’s 98th birthday! True to form, we went to downtown Columbus to Schmidt’s. He goes there every week to meet with friends, so he’s incredibly well known there.

We spent most of the time chatting with the family members I rarely see, and finally got to meet my cousin’s latest daughter (the sixth great-grandchild to Grandpa Bob, all of them girls). My roommate came with, though he spent the entire time on his Steamdeck. Guess I can’t really blame him; he barely knows the family beyond my parents and grandpa. The food was good, the mini cream puffs even better. All in all, time well spent.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Bob!

May 27, 2023

It’s been an interesting weekend, to say the least. After having not seen her in over 20 years, I got to see my older sister. There were a lot of emotions I had to work through to get to this point, since the two of us have never been what you’d call close. However, it went well, and I can tell her life abroad has changed her just as my experiences have changed me. I feel as though we can actually have a relationship now, which is something I thought I’d never have with her despite how much I wanted it.