Update on the kitties: they big now.

Update on the kitties: they big now.
That moment when you’re desperately trying to get a good picture of your freshly groomed dog.
Welcome home, my good girl.
Today is Daisy’s last day with us. We did our best to spoil the girl rotten. People visited to pet her and remind her how much she is loved, and to top it all off, she got a big top sirloin steak all to herself.
Thank you for giving me these last 11 years of your 16 total years of life, Daisy. You will be sorely missed.
It’s Sunday, and I’m typing this from the Artist Alley at Otakon! I want to thank every person who stopped by my table – I loved talking to all of you! The entire weekend was a whirlwind of memories and good times and I’m so happy I was able to attend.
For those who were hoping to do some online shopping, I will be adding my plethora of stickers to my StoreEnvy shop by the end of the week. I know many people were disappointed that I sold out of my Teen Titan sticker set – I’ll make sure they go up first. So please, come back and check them out later this week!
Here’s hoping I see y’all again next year!
It’s been a long six months, but things are finally settling down with work and life in general, and some exciting things are coming to fruition.
First up, it’s confirmed: I’m selling at Otakon this August! I had signed up for last year, but after they were forced to cancel, our registration was rolled over to this year. I’m fully vaccinated, and I’ll still wear a mask and scrub down with hand sanitizer, but I’m excited to attend. It’s been ages since I sold at a convention, and I’m going to have all new stock, but my chibi stickers will be making a big return. My hope is to get my online store up and operational before than.
I’ve continued updating my Skyrim fanfic, though updates have slowed to once a month due to my work schedule. Still, I’m winding down part two, and hope to wrap up the entire story in the third part. I’m already working on the first part and cleaning it up. My plan is to have each part printed, if only to have a copy for myself. I may open it up pre-orders at some point, but that’s up in the air.
Lastly, I’ve recently opened my commissions. Save for Con-crunch time, I’m going to leave them open for the foreseeable future. If at any point, you’re interested in having me do some work for you, head over to the Commission section and fill out the form.
Apparently someone wants to make absolutely sure I’m okay.
#Fishboy , living the good life.
Went hiking at Hocking Hills with the parents today. Amazing weather and almost nobody else on the trails.
Been quite an interesting few months. I returned to work, quit my job because they refused to book me (I’m paid by commission), found another job, then left that job because they were so poor in their protections that two of the other therapists came down with Covid. It’s been a tumultuous time, and it still hasn’t settled yet, but I decided to start focusing on alternative means of income. Mainly, working on getting this website completed and setting up my commissions. My plan is to open up my commissions within the next few days, in time for the holidays. So if you’ve been waiting to get some artwork from me, you can head over to that section and take a look at my prices.
I took the opportunity to update my image galleries. They should be working now, with a light box feature! Those of you on mobile devices may need to expand the images a little, but I’m still playing with all the features.
Lastly, I’m back to updating my current Fan-Fic, A Daedra Named Desire, every Thursday over at Ao3.
This time of year is always busy, but I’m hoping that being currently unemployed will give me plenty of time to work on my various projects. In the mean time, please stay safe and wear your masks when in public!