My mom always manages to take the most interesting photos of me. Anyways, new haircut, color, and style.

My mom always manages to take the most interesting photos of me. Anyways, new haircut, color, and style.
Apparently I started a new trend by taking my mother with me on adventures, because now she wants to do this every year. This year, she chose for the family to go to Cox Arboretum in Dayton, Ohio. It was somewhat cloudy and chilly, but we had fun looking at all the fall flowers and foliage. I definitely noticed the difference all my working out has done; I was able to run around and climb stairs without even getting winded. All in all, a good way to spend some time with the family.
Also, we saw Alice Cooper’s memorial bench. Okay, it was for a librarian, not a rock star.
Excuse me, my son wants attention…
Little brother / Big brother energy.
Cats are enjoying the new couch covers.
Company Christmas party (in March because we’ve been busy). With my coworker, Becca (far right) and her roommate Amanda (middle). We were the only ones who wore Christmas sweaters.
Bathroom playtime continues with very insistent face nuzzles from Curie.
Just some sleepy kitties.
This was also the day after I came back to Facebook after receiving a 24 hour ban because a bot took something I wrote out of context. As such, this began my migration away from Facebook.
Hair is getting long again. Cut short, or keep growing? I’m partial to cutting and dying it, but that’s because I’m lazy and longer hair means more maintenance.
Whenever I try to use the bathroom, I have company. Now I’m randomly going to sit on the toilet just to spend time with my normally shy daughter.